Software Tutor

Easy to pay prices!

Click on one of these: Home | Appts. for Twin Cities, MN area clients | Services paid as follows:
Cost per hour of appointment is $10, rounded up to the next hour.
$1 per line of "question only" text by email or fax.
Cash or check accepted only for appointments.
Credit/Debit cards accepted: AmEx, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa.
If e-mailing or faxing, please include credit/debit card information (complete name, acct. number, and expiration date) off card.
Prices for requested projects are as follows:
$2.50 per black and white printed page created.
$3 per color printed page created.
Requested projects must state how to receive finished project, either by postal mail, attachment on email, or fax.  Please include address or fax number.  Note: Color page requests returned by email or fax may not print in color depending on your printer.
Phone: 612-990-5796
Fax: 763-535-6321